There has been substantial questions about a reasonable PN for the Weta There is a PN published by the Brits RYC of 950 There has been discussion of using classes around that number to come up with a US PN US Sailing has done very little with PN and the committee has not meet in along time
I have raced locally in central Florida with numbers ranging from 78 to 87.1. I believe that 84 for one up and 86 for two up represent reasonable numbers taking into account the RYC PN guestimation. The best solution for sailing in a mixed multihull fleets would be to get a SCHRS which is a calculated number. The web site makes it fairly clear that a request for a number would need to be from a national organization officer.
Phil Styne
Weta #1212
There's a Weta Trimaran Class webpage on the US Sailing website that mentions the 84/86 D-PNs.
Not official, however.
Based on current discussions on the Florida WhatsApp group, Fort Walton YC and others have been using 84/86 and those numbers seem to be working for them.