"Dragonfly" has been sailing hard the past 6 months. When packing up on my last trip I noticed some cracking in the lining of the starboard aft slot on the center hull that the starboard aft aka fits into. Upon closer inspection it looks like the lining (maybe thin plastic) is cracked in one section (see picture). I was thinking to let it dry out, then repair the lining. Maybe a thin coat of epoxy resin in the damaged area. I don't think it's structural. I think the liner just protects the carbon fiber aka and the fiberglass mainhull slot. Any thoughts out there?

Than sure looks like cracking gel coat, it’s brittle and prone to cracking under stress. It’s not structural. You might try using a little fairing filler in the epoxy to help it spread more smoothly if you’re using something like West Systems, but if you use the stuff sold in hardware stores in the double-plunger tubes, it will probably be okay as is, or add a bit of cornstarch (or diatomaceous earth if you know someone who maintains a pool filter) to get it to the consistently of mayonnaise, then apply it with something resembling a tongue depressor or popsicle stick. The thicker consistency makes things stay in place better instead of running. It’s not a really tight socket, so just file/sand it off after the epoxy has fully set and call it good. I once had a wooden boat, epoxy repairs were routine, and I use the same bag of trick on my Weta. Epoxy bonds just fine to gel coat, and your surface is rough already, just sandpaper it a bit before applying the goo. Use similar methods when you ding the pointy ends of your amas, but go to peanut butter consistency..