In high wind, I often experience leech flutter on my mainsail. I noticed in the Class Rules that: "In addition to the specific batten limits called out for the mainsail and jib, up to two (2) leech reinforcement (anti-flutter) battens can be added to the leech of the mainsail and/or the jib to address leech flutter."
Does anybody have experience adding leech battens to their mainsail and can you provide any advice?
Hi Nick,
I don't know the specifics of your particular sail, but here are my thoughts despite that.
The mainsails are made out of pretty sturdy material that I have found to last pretty well.
The manufacturer makes the sails to be as efficient as possible within the rules (without leach battens).
Repairs and additions are not free and normally will not yield a result as good as out of the box.
It may be more cost effective to purchase a used sail