not getting into the how do you get there part of this, but has anybody put a swivel cleat for the main sheet in the front of the cockpit? I am thinking either just behind and below the daggerboard, or just in front of it.
Legal or illegal?
Thank You, John Harrop
The mainshhet dead ends on the cockpit floor, goes up and thru a single block at clew, then back to a single pully on the floor for a 2/1 purchase aft. Then sheet leads to the mast with a 3/1 purchase next to the dagger board, total purchase 6/1.
This does not effect the safety line attachment at all.
I’ve never sailed a dinghy with that rigging, so that was off my mental map. Typically, Weta sailors I see still manage to keep the tiller hand aft and the main sheet in the other hand even if the sheet leads aft. Since there’s no boom, I’ll be interested to see how you can rig this to function nicely, particularly in avoiding tugging forward on the clew.
The idea is to sail like a normal dinghy with the tiller in your aft hand mainsheet up front. I lashed a cleat to the base of the mast , no holes completely removable.
Unsure as to what the advantages might be. It will interfere with using the harness. The mounting will present some challenges (see the Anti-bobsledding post about mounting hardware just behind the center board). Personally I prefer to minimize lines I can get my feet tangled in, that’s been a common issue for me. I don’t know about any mention of this specifically in the class rules. It’s pretty flexible on main sheet rigging, with maximum 6:1 ratio and prohibits traveler arrangements.