I've changed the flat-free wheels on larger axels, on my 2009 series Weta dolly, so I'm happy to give these away.
Just pay me for the postage/shipping to anywhere in the USA, which I estimate will be less than US$50.
Why 3? I purchased a spare so that I wouldn't be stuck changing a tube at the beach or launch ramp. This bailed me out a couple of times. I've had bad luck with punctures or tubes bursting on really hot days.
2 3/4" diameter or equivalent stainless steel axels
3 hubs
3 tires*
*one is probably a goner and has no tube. The other two are still useable and holding air.
Some knicks and dents -- I'm a rank amateur when changing tires -- that can be removed with a file.
Option: if you want just the hubs and axels, I can remove the wheels. This will save you money on postage.

The wheel on the Left has no tube. Middle still holds air. The wheel on the right was stored in my trailer box as a spare.
email: wavejump (at) earthlink (dot) net
phone: (eight five eight) 342 - ninety fourteen