2017 Weta Nationals In The Gorge!
After two fantastic Nationals events hosted by Nor'banks in Duck, NC, we are now headed to ...
Cascade Locks, Oregon July 28, 29, 30, 2017
We will join the Columbia Gorge One Design Regatta (C-GOD)
hosted by the Columbia Gorge Racing Association
Take a peak at the fun in store for us by viewing CGRA's Sail the Gorge Magazine
Classes: Weta One Design Double-handed
Weta One Design Single-handed
Regatta Info and Registration: Regatta Networks
Event Schedule (subject to change)
Thursday, July 27 - a.m. Arrive and Rig
- p.m.Tune and Practice activities
- Evening Social
Friday, July 28 - Racing
- Evening Social
Saturday, July 29 - Racing
- Regatta Dinner (included in reg. fee)
Sunday, July 30 - Racing & Awards
Boats for Charter: Contact West Coast Sailing ASAP to reserve yours!
Phone: 503 285-5536
Ship your Boat: Contact Bruce Fleming or call 858 342-9014 ASAP to discuss options.
Local Accommodations: There are a handful of hotels, motels, AirBnBs, and VRBOs in the area.
We've also arranged a block of cottage/cabins close by. See below.
Group Housing: Cascade Locks Motel
Address: 300 NW Forest Lane, Cascade Locks, OR
Phone: 541 374-8750
web: www.cascadelocksmotel.com
Cottages in varying sizes which sleep 2-6 people.
Some have a full kitchen and BBQ grill.
Prices: $87 to $158 per night, tax included.
Units 1, 2 and 5-12 still available.
Deadline: July 1st. After this, cottages will be released to the general public for rental.
Call 541 374-8750 to book your cottage today! Tell them you are with "Weta Class North America".
Local Activities and attractions: (coming soon) Stuff for your non-racing family and friends to do while we're on the water, and stuff to do on the way to and on the way home.