Weta Nationals 2015 Nor'banks, Duck, NC
From ZERO to 30 in 36 Hours
Event synopsis by Stephanie • September 30, 2015
When it comes to sailing, we are always chasing the wind. At times, the wind ceases to exist or may be insurmountable. 2015 Zhik Weta Nationals became the latter. Cue the insanity! Due to conditions, the majority of this friendly fleet partnered together and sailed two up. Only a select few sailors decided to brave the intensity and go at it on their own.
Wednesday, after a two hour postponement, races were abandoned for the day. On Thursday, boats headed out on Currituck Sound where the craziness began with multiple capsizes (some well before the start), a pitchpole, dismast, broken centerboard and the list goes on. Hardy Peters from Nor’Banks working the safety boat got his workout for the day after being in the water five times to assist sailors. This contest turned into “survival of the fittest” not only for the sailors but for their boats as well.
When Friday arrived, it provided some incredible sailing since there was less disparity between the sustained wind and gusts in the 20’s as light rain fell in the area. The fleet had some incredible starts off the line as ama hiking was seen everywhere throughout the course. One Weta sailor said, “Bring it on!”
As the newly formed team of Bruce Fleming and Stephanie hit their stride, it became a show of “Keeping Up With Krantz”. An entanglement near the weather mark in race three provided some front row entertainment for onlookers in the mark boat and those nearby sailors. Fleming and Stephanie were on the layline for the weather mark flying on a starboard tack as half the fleet was approaching on a port tack. Stephanie called out to Fleming that the first two boats were within range. Mike Krantz in boat number one tacked ten boat lengths in front and was having some trouble. A near capsize as his boat went vertical, hit the bottom and Krantz climbed up the tramp and was off sailing again. As this was happening, Richard Stephens and Linda Wright were boat number two approaching as “starboard” was shouted out by Stephanie as a warning. Oh no! It looked like a t-bone was imminent! At the last second, major disaster averted as Stephens and Wright hit Fleming and Stephanie’s port aka and their bowsprit busted at a 90 degree angle. Just as the team of Stephens/Wright thought they were safe, their main almost got entangled with Krantz’ boat. Some quick maneuvering by Krantz near the mark avoided another disaster. Even with all of this, many of the sailors had it dialed in and were ready for more racing!
Saturday, which was supposed to be the final day and included a distance race, brought a deluge of rain. In addition, conditions worsened with sustained winds in the 30’s and gusts in the 40’s. The regatta was called that morning and Krantz, one of the few single handers was crowned the National Champion.
Nationals brought in sailors as far as the West Coast, Midwest, New York and Florida to this coastal destination of Duck in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. First timers were shocked at all the housing and development which provided a great vacation destination for sailors and non-sailors alike. Some of the highlights included the Wright Brothers Museum in Kitty Hawk, along with North Carolina lighthouses and the infamous Duck Donuts.
During sailing down time, the opportunity for socialization was immense. Three group dinners were held at various locations which provided the perfect setting to mingle and get to know Weta sailors from other parts of the country. This class is made up of a great group of people. “We’re all characters in our own special way which makes it fun to be together!”
One Weta sailor had a regatta cancelled at home since Windfinder said zero. After heading out to the coast of North Carolina for Nationals 36 hours later, it was blowing like mad. It only takes a front to move through for conditions to change quickly. Although the fleet didn’t get in four days of racing, Friday was the highlight. Wish there was more of that!

Way too much wind to sail today!

Bruce and Stephanie with the first Casualty

Until next year...

2015 Zhik Weta Nationals - Diehards who stuck around for the awards prezo
2015 Weta Nationals Announcement
The Notice of Race for the 2015 US Weta Nationals has been released. You can check out all the info and register for the regatta on the Nor'Banks website,
Sept 23-26 - Nor'Banks Sailing & Watersports
Organizing Authority and Hosts: Nor’Banks Sailing and SailNC
1 This regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in the 2013-2016 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), by the one-design class rules for each participating class of boat, and by this Notice of Regatta, except as any of these are modified by the Sailing Instructions.
2 The Sailing Instructions may change or modify the racing rules.
3 Competitors shall wear life jackets or other adequate personal flotation devices at all times while racing, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. Wet suits and dry suits are not personal flotation devices. Note that Flag Y will not be displayed. This changes RRS 40.
4 To accommodate the conditions and water temperatures commonly encountered on Currituck Sound, it is strongly recommended that competitors wear wet suits or dry suits while racing.
5 Only one set of sails per boat may be used except for changes approved by the Protest Committee in the event of obvious sail damage.
6 The US SAILING prescription in rule 67, Damages, will apply.
7 Competitors are reminded that, under the preamble of Part 2 of the RRS, boats racing must comply with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCAS) when they meet other marine traffic not racing.
2.1 The regatta is open to Weta Trimarans. The regatta will be composed of 2 classes (single handed and double handed). Weta North American Class Rules will apply to all entries.
2.2 Each boat must have completed an entry, and paid all event fees, including any late fee if applicable, before 10am on September 23rd, 2015
EACH COMPETITOR, both skipper and crew, must have signed a Waiver and Release of Liability, included in the online registration process, before 10am on September 23rd
2.3 Eligible boats are to register online at http://www.norbanks.com. There will be a link to Yacht Scoring for registration on the norbanks site by July 24th.
3.1 The entry fee is $150 for single handed boats and $200 for double handed boats. This includes racing, festivities and swag bag.
3.2 The entry fee includes water on the course, beverages afterwards and dinners on Wednesday night, Thursday night, Friday night and the awards dinner on Saturday afternoon/evening. Additional tickets will be available for purchase.
3.3 Entry fees are non-refundable (unless you have a damn good reason)
4.1 The location of the competitors’ briefing will be at Nor’Banks Sailing in the classroom
4.2 Daily Schedule
Wednesday, September 23rd
10am – Welcome and Competitors Briefing
Noon – Warning Signal for Day 1 Buoy Races
4pm – Last Race will start prior to 4pm
Evening Festivities and Daily Awards – Location to be determined
Thursday, September 24th
10am – Welcome and Competitors Briefing
Noon – Warning Signal for Day 2 Buoy Races
4pm – Last Race will start prior to 4pm
Evening Festivities and Daily Awards – Location to be determined
Friday, September 25th
10am – Welcome and Competitors Briefing
Noon – Warning Signal for Distance Race
Evening Festivities and Distance Race Awards – Location to be determined
Saturday, September 26th
10am – Welcome and Competitors Briefing
Noon – Warning Signal for Day 3 Buoy Races
4pm – Last Race will start prior to 4pm
Finals Party and Awards – Location to be determined
4.3 There will be an attempt to run multiple races each day.
4.4 Daily results/standing will be announced at the evening’s festivities and will be on display in the classroom by 9am on the next day. Awards will be given out on Saturday evening
5.1 Competitors are responsible for making sure their boat complies with the applicable Class Rules. Measuring of boats will occur only at the direction of the Organizing Authority or the Protest Committee.
6.1 Sailing instructions will be available at the event website at www.norbanks.com by August 1, 2015.
7.1 The racing will take place in the Currituck Sound
7.2 For all racing, courses will be described in the Sailing Instructions.
7.3 The Race Committee will determine the course and will set course length as sailing conditions permit.
8.1 The fleet will be launched and hauled each day at Nor’Banks . There will be 2 areas for beach wheel launching (a small beach and a ramp).
9.1 Rules 44.1 and 44.2 are changed so that only one turn, including one tack and one gybe, is required
10.1 The Low Point scoring system of RRS Appendix A will apply.
10.2 When five (5) or more races have been completed, a boat’s total score will be the total of her race scores excluding her highest excludable score. This changes RRS Appendix A2.
10.3 The distance race on Friday, September 25th will have its own award and will count as two races in the overall standings
11.1 A boat shall neither make radio transmissions while racing nor receive radio communications not available to all boats. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones. Except in case of emergency
12.1 Trailers may be stored at Nor’Banks Sailing in the parking lot or field. We have limited space for RV’s so please contact us if you are bringing an RV. There is camping available on site in our grassy lawn and we have a bathroom and outside shower.
13.1 The number of prizes to be awarded will be based on the number of registered entries (at least 3 deep)
13.2 Other recognition and/or awards may be made at the discretion of the Organizing Authority. (We will have fun with this)
14.1 Competitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See Rule 4, Decision to Race.
The Organizing Authorities will not accept any liability for property damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with the event, whether prior to, during, or after the regatta, and whether on or off the water.
Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance having minimum coverage of US$100,000.00 per event or the equivalent.
Each boat shall have proof of insurance coverage and shall have it available at the event.
There may be charter boats available and insurance for those boats will be the responsibility of the ones chartering the boat. Contact Regatta Chair for Weta charter information.
16.1 for further information please contact: Regatta Chair, Jon Britt, 252-202-6880/info@norbanks.com