WCNA Membership
Connects you with other Weta owners throughout North America
Provides the structure for Weta Racing and Social Events
Regulates class rules and maintains one-design practices
Attracts top-notch sailors by upholding high racing standards
Supports this website and WCNA events throughout the year
Includes a Forum of racing tips, event reports, and much more

US Sailing Membership
US Sailing is the national governing body of the sport of sailing. By becoming a US Sailing member, you support the organization that supports the sport of sailing.
Learn More About

WCNA organizes and promotes sailing events throughout the year
Many sailors like to sail the Wētā JUST FOR FUN
The versitility of Wētā makes it perfect for individuals, couples or families
Any time a group of Wētā sailors gather, we call it a SWARM!
Many SWARMs are scheduled throughout the year
Wētā sailors are competitive.
Racing opportunities for every skill level be it beginner or seasoned competitor.
Champion sailors from many other one-design fleets have moved to the Wētā.
Local sailing clubs host seasonal series racing.
Regional championship regattas and invitational regattas are well attended.

WCNA National Championship - Held annually at rotating locations throughout the US
WetaFest (Midwinter Championship) - Held annually at Fort Walton Yacht Club, Florida
East Coast Championship - Held annually in the Mid-Atlantic area
West Coast Championship - Held annually, alternating between California and Pacific Northwest
Wētā Fleets are using WhatsApp to stay in touch.
Learn about last minute sailing, events, new products and much more!

WCNA Forum provides a place to share with other members of the Wētā Community